Tuesday 30 March 2010

Seni Public Speaking 1

Public speaking merupakan sebuah seni untuk bisa berkomunikasi didepan umum dengan baik artinya apa yang kita sampaikan kepada audien bisa tersampaikan dengan baik dan tidak menimbulkan multi tafsir atau kesalahpahaman. Dalam seni public speaking ada kaidah-kaidah tertentu yang perlu diperhatikan antara lain yaitu tentang performance, olah vokal serta pemilihan kata yang tepat, jadi tidak mungkin kalau audiensnya anak-anak kita menggunakan kata-kata untuk orang dewasa, sedangkan ketika dalam forum formal menggunakan kata-kata yang selayaknya untuk forum informal dan hal tersebut juga tidak tepat pula. Dalam seni public speaking agar kita bisa melakukannya dengan baik kunci utama adalah percaya diri, karena dengan kepercayaan diri yang kuat akan memberikan performance yang bagus agar kita bisa diterima oleh semua audiens. Dalam buku communicate to win bahwa Professor Stephen hawking dari Cambridge mengatakan bahwa “masalah-masalah dunia sebenarnya dapat dipecahkan jika saja kita terus berbicara”. Pendapat itu dapat diterapkan dalam hampir setiap situasi. Kenapa seseorang sering grogi jika disuruh untuk berbicara didepan umum? Saya akan menguraikan tentang masalah dan bagaimana mengatasi perasaan grogi ketika hendak berbicara di depan umum. Satu hal yang ingin saya sampaikan kalau orang lain bisa, mengapa kita tidak. Tidak ada hal yang menghambat kita sukses kecuali diri kita sendiri. Be yourself! 
- Mengapa kita sering merasa grogi jika berbicara di depan umum?
Hampir semua orang pasti merasakan perasaan grogi ketika berbicara didepan umum. Perasaan grogi atau takut itu tidak bisa dihilangkan karena yang membuat penampilan kita bagus adalah dimulai dari perasaan takut atau grogi dalam diri kita, oleh karena itu agar bisa menghilangkan takut maka kita harus melakukan hal yang kita takuti. Dalam sebuah training yang pernah saya ikuti ada beberapa cara untuk bisa membuat perasaan dan muka kita rilkes ketika hendak berbicara di depan umum yaitu dengan senam wajah, dalam senam wajah ini caranya sederhana semua orang bisa melakukannya dengan cara menggerakkan mata, hidung, pipi, telinga, grahang dan mulut dengan teratur. Hasilnya membuat muka kita rileks dan perasaan yang tenang dan hal ini sering sekali dilakukan oleh actor jika hendak tampil di depan kamera.
- Bagaimana tehnik agar bisa menjadi public speaking yang baik?
Ada beberapa tehnik yang perlu diperhatikan ketika menjadi public speaker dari awal kita tampil sampai akhir. Disini ada Sembilan yang perlu diperhatikan, yang terpenting bagaimana cara kita menyampaikan, dari pada apa yang ingin kita sampaikan. Dalam sebuah training yang pernah saya ikut secara ringkas yang perlu diperhatikan antara adalah:
1. Tehnik muncul dan keluar,
2. MPP (Mencari Perhatian Pendengar) dan PPP (Pusat Perhatian Pendengar),
3. Jangan lupa mengeluarkan daya tarik anda,
4. Business acting dan silent acting,
5. Hidupkan api unggun dalam diri anda,
6. Ketepatan antara gerak dan tempo,
7. Penampilan anda enak dilihat dan idenya oleh orang buta dan tuli,
8. Teknik membina puncak,
9. Totalitas (buang kata a…, mungkin…..).

Friday 29 January 2010

Can Indonesia out of poverty?

Poverty is complex problems. Every country always faces this problem especially developing countries. But this problem seldom can be solved well. In fact when government gives solutions but there is still poverty. Now how reality condition of poverty in Indonesia, condition welfare poor is very sensitivity to fluctuate and change social, economic and politic. We also look that powerless welfare poor often worsen with intervention is not an exact target, for example subsidy and exploitation more SDA. In 2006 happen to improve poor population result natural disaster, although it go down in 2007 of 37,2 million people (BPS). Amount poor household in 2006 of 19,3 million kk (Pusdatin Depsos), percentage poor population is highest in Papua, Irjabar, Maluku, NTT, dan Gorontalo, while it is higher in west java, central java and east java.
Weakness policy for solving poverty is that solution only related with economic not politic and social. In fact poverty is complex problems. Government should give solution how poverty can be solved well. But we don’t may depend on government, poverty is problem together. So we must solve it together. Many poor can’t fulfill the basic requirement because they don’t have enough money. And many foreign investors don’t want to invest to Indonesia again because its infrastructure is not enough for business. Which government policy related with economizing on electrical every time so can't support business. Crisis energy which it will impact to price food is so high. Poor can't fulfill the basic requirement, for example: many poor must eat aking rice and spoiled foods 
Government has strategy to solve poverty in Indonesia but what strategy of government can decrease poverty. With fulfill the basic requirement like as to prepare Instrument and infrastructure education and health, to give subsidy to community in cash or goods, and last to improve access poor to resource in improving opportunity work and revenue. In my opinion Government has attempted to solve problem about poverty but poverty is multidimensional. And I believe if we together solve poverty, Indonesia can be out of poverty. So let's we build Indonesia go in the direction of Indonesia gold in 2020.

Success with ESQ

ESQ is abbreviation from Emotional Spiritual Quotient. Which long run success is not only fixed by Intellectual but also Emotional and Spiritual. Emotional quotient is a capability how we feel someone's feeling to take action from what we will do. So, emotional quotient is capability feels someone's feeling. And spiritual quotient is our all mission because what we will do for God. We don't only live in this world but we live the next. We can see that may be formerly our many friends were success in school. But now, they are not success like as they were in school. Research appoints that Intellectual only max 20% and Emotional min 80% in determine success. But Intellectual is important, it's important how we make integration intellectual, emotional and spiritual capability. There is story how emotional can make someone become success. They are not only intellectual, although intellectual is very important. But can use emotional to reach successful. We know that Andrie Wongso is the best motivator in Indonesia. Now, he becomes success man. What did study at Junior High School? No, he didn't. He never finished Elementary School. He has high Emotional quotient and he has big motivation for success. And we know that why could Chinese of great be built which it is built more 100 years? Because of Chinese people have big motivation. Now, what is only Intellectual and Emotional enough? So we need Spiritual quotient.
So that, we can be successful in this world and the next. Actually for integrating intellectual, emotional and spiritual is easy. They are integration which we can do together without is done separated, for example: we do intellectual before, after finishing we do emotional and spiritual, in my opinion it's wrong. We must do together. Spiritual is not ritual. But how ritual can gives spirit for us to do something enthusiastically. Spiritual is motivation for successful in this world and the next, because we do something only for God, by God and from God. With that motivation, we never worry for successful. Our heart becomes calm. So we do all activities well. Smart person has high emotional and high spiritual. In my opinion, it all make us will successful. If leaders in Indonesia not only have high Intellectual but also have high Emotional and spiritual. In my opinion, there is no corruption, Indonesia become developed country. But when it can be reached, we need the best leader whose can give change not only promises.


May be we know about the word of neoliberalism, I think this word is not popular from capitalism and communism but neoliberalism gives many problems in the country. Because the country wants to manipulate other countries, it was done by developed country. In my opinion, formerly Indonesia experienced monetary crisis and it was caused by Neoliberalism. Neoliberalism gives bad impact. Country experienced crisis and for recovering from monetary crisis, for example: when Indonesia experienced monetary crisis 1998 year ago. We could not blame all government’s policy. But I think government role was very important where its policy could impact economy crisis, for example: the price was very high, it caused by hyperinflation in this country, so government did not know, what it would do to solve hyperinflation in this country? Besides that many university student did demonstration. This country was not only experienced economy crisis but also politic crisis. And university student wanted to ask president Soeharto has to retire of president chair.
In 1998, there is no sociopolitical order in Indonesia since 1965, in the history Indonesia experienced reformation period. Where society wanted to change to become is better than before. I think when president Soeharto was still leader in Indonesia, this country felt surplus economy, especially rice. It experienced to grow economy significantly. But economy growth did not hold out a long time. We were so proud to successful to economic growth significantly. What was happen? After that we experienced monetary crisis, this country was fall. We can study reality in 1998, so that this country did not experience monetary crisis again, as like before.
This country had to study in Malaysia, which Malaysia had recovered from monetary crisis quickly. When was happen crisis, Malaysia did not want to ask aid from IMF, because Malaysia believed that IMF would not give good solution but it would make new problem. Here, I would not blame any one, but this country can study from our mistake ago. When we take solution, that problem will not repeat. We know IMF role was very important in the world. But it made many countries had to obey to IMF. Formerly IMF, World Bank, WTO was not transparent, they often manipulated developing counties with asking their aid.

Study in EF

Study with Evan from Australia..

hunting native speaker to take picture together with us.. so  nice.. :)

from hero to zero... haha..

Thursday 28 January 2010

HMI Commissariat Economics between Program and Reality

In reality, many problems is faced by organizations, for that many organizations should give solution about that problems, internal and external problem, by analyze causal factor from problems. Example: BEM is faculty organization which is executive institution. That organization does many activities in connecting with university student. But it’s clear; every organization has internal and external problems. This month, HMI Commissariat Economic UGM has been holding RAK. RAK is a meeting to discuss about problems or SWOT analysis, so we can find the way out on that problems. RAK can also vote a leader for commissariat economic UGM. RAK is hold every year, we will chose new leader for HMI commissariat of economic UGM. May leader that will be chosen by friends at commissariat economic to give change so that commissariat will be better than before? Before I explain about RAK, I will tell little thing about HMI. HMI is Association of Islamic University Students in English, and Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam in Indonesian.
In this organization we can learn to improve soft skill and hard skill. We can discuss about economics challenge, so we can try to practice argumenting with our friends. By many discussion we can get many knowledge. We also study about Islam. I think this is very interesting. Beside we study Islam, there also many study about reality of economics, hopefully after someone join to commissariat of economics, his/her skill is getting better. Not only Intellectual but also have ESQ (emotional and spiritual quotient). We also study about literacy culture there, Literacy culture is reading and writing. When someone have finished read many books, he/she can writing something as result from he/she has read. Writing is very important, because we can result something to other people. For example: when we write, we can change this world, why I say that, cause impact from writing so much. We enjoy knowledge from book. We can also publish our writing in mass media. In HMI we are trained to develop our skill. Before join there, we must follow Leadership Training I, so after we join we can follow Leadership Training II after that we can study in Senior Course. We really trained to develop our skill.
Many alumnies from HMI are best people, especially Jusuf Kalla he is Alumni HMI from Makassar. From HMI commissariat economic UGM, there are Rudjito (Former Dirut BRI), Fuad Bawazier (Finance Minister RI), Edi Suandi Hamid (Rector UII), Anies Baswedan (Rector Paramadina University) Mr. Anies is also including world Intellectual and many lecturers at Economics and Business Faculty, they are Lincolin Arsyad, Ainun Na’im, the former dean of the economic and business faculty and many more success alumni. Alumni usually coming to commissariat to give a lot of motivation for member of commissariat of economic. Base on present day experiences we lack of kader. It is caused by many student only focus on academic rather than organization. But when we are looking for job we must have soft skill especially in argumenting, making relation and so on. We should learning about how organization works in campus. So it is important to make balance between study in campus and organization.
Friends from commissariat of economic looking forward for good leader, who will make future commissariat of economic is better than before. When I wrote this opinion I asked to myself who will be leader on next general election. I hope the next leader can give a lot of contributions at commissariat. I think, problems we have faced is not only internal and external problem. If HMI loss the existence at faculty, the solution is make the cooperation with another organization. I am very surprised when somebody said, “what is HMI?”, I don’t know should I ask. Why they don’t know HMI? So now HMI have lost existence at economic and business faculty. In fact HMI is big organization.
I remember, when I was invited to join this organization, I also haven’t know what’s HMI. In fact some lecturers of economic and business faculty ever join this organization, formerly. They tell their impression when they joined this organization. Many experiences can be taken by us. We know that every lecturer at economic faculty ever studied or experienced abroad. We asked them, how to get scholarship to study abroad. By joining HMI, I got many experiences. When I am following discussion every week, I can practice argumenting and sharing knowledge with other friends. HMI is suitable place to develop our skill. In these discussion, you have opportunity to give opinion and friends will listen your opinion seriously.
I hope, with new leader HMI commissariat of economics UGM will be better than before and the existence nof commissariat of economic gives influence Intellectual, Emotional and Spiritual quotient. I think we are not only smart in intellectual but we must be smart in emotional and spiritual quotient like what speaker from ESQ leadership training which had been hold in UC (University Center) UGM said.

Literacy Cultural

Literacy cultural  is reading and writing when someone have finished read many books. Ones can writing something as result from he has read. Writing is very important because with writing we can result something which it can be benefit to people. Example when we write, we can change this world why I say that impact from writing so many. We enjoy knowledge from writing in book. I don’t know why someone is lazy to write in fact that many benefits will take after writing. I ever join in workshop about popular writing in Economics and Business faculty GMU and creative writing is hold at centre language in Atmajaya University. Speaker ask that writing is very important, and writing is actualization it self. Writing is not difficult for result good writing is not need many vocabulary and many know grammars when we are writing we can study vocabulary and grammars without wait to know many vocabulary and good grammars. So with writing we study many something, enrich vocabulary, grammars, and transfer knowledge from I to other people. We can publish my writing at newspaper, magazine and soon.
I don’t know reason clearly why someone is lazy writing in fact that writing have many benefit which get it. We also know history from evidence include writing. I ever discuss with my friend about problem writing. I thing he has many experience; he has been many writing in news paper. He asks that when he was still in senior high school he always writes every day. I thing he is very enthusiast about writing, he is writing at university student column of news paper now. According to me many success people are writer, we know that Bill gates, SBY, Donald Trump, and soon they ever write. Because like I ask just now that writing is actualization it self.
So lets write any thing, don’t be afraid wrong when many mistake in grammars. For result good writing need process. If some one can write, why I can’t write! We must attempt result good writing. I ever read literate about how make good writing. First, we must spirit to write. I think it is basic when we want to write. Last, we always practice to write where ever, when ever. I ever hear that writing is doing. Its means that when we want to write, we must write. We must do something, many friends always study about writing but they don’t write. They ask that they don’t know about its concept.